Exchange 2013 Active Directory property homeMDB is not writeable on recipient
When trying to migrate users from Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013, once the migration batch job has been created it then goes about syncing mailbox items before moving. Occasionally you may see the error below.
This is the same solution as many Exchange issue. We need to set the correct permissions to allow Exchange to migrate the mailbox.
To fix this we give Exchange and the user account you are using permissions to move and access to mailbox via advanced features in Active directory . First launch Active Directory users and computers and enable the advanced features so we get access to the security tab. To do this click on view or press Alt+ V >advanced features.
Once done,browse to the users mailbox who is gett ing the Active Directory property homeMDB is not writeable on recipient error then select properties. Now select the security tab.
Next select Advanced. We now set the option to include inheritable permissions from this objects parents. Once done apply the settings. This change may take a moment or two so be patient . Now go back to the Exchange EMC and when you move the mailbox you will have no problems.
Tags: migration