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Forward Exchange 2007 or 2010 email to external account


If you have an email account in the office but you would like a copy of all your emails sent to another address outside of work we can setup something called an email forward. This leaves emails in the exchange system but also sends a copy to any address you specify, whether  it be hot-mail or GMail etc. Follow the guide below on how to setup email forwarders in Microsoft  exchange 2007 and microsoft exchange 2010


This is done by creating a a contact in Exchange management console and then putting a forward to it on the exchange mailbox.

1) First we need to create a contact for the user in question.So in exchange management console drop down to recipient configuration right click “Mail Contact” and select New Mail Contact.

Forward Exchange 2007 or 2010 email to external account

Forward Exchange 2007 or 2010 email to external account

2) select new contact.

Forward Email Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007

Forward Email Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007


Then enter the users relevant information INCLUDING the users external address, enter this by clicking “edit” and entering the external email address.

Forward Email Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007

Forward Email Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2007

Delivery options exchange 2007 and 2010

Delivery options exchange 2007 and 2010

 3) Then we need to go into recipient configuration and mailbox. Right click the user and select properties. Then select mail flow settings. Then finally select delivery options

4) Then put a tick in “forward to” and simply browse to the contact you created. Select whether you would like to also keep the email in the local exchange server mailbox also.

Forward Exchange

Forward Exchange

The mail will now be forward to an external recipient and also helpd internally

Tags: email

Allen White

Allen is an IT Consultant and holds the following accreditations. MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, MCITP, CCA, CCSP, VCP 4,5, 6 and HP ASE, AIS - Network Infrastructure.

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