Add A Subject And Body Text To A HTML Mailto Command
This is not really my sort of thing but I noticed that when companies have enquiry email addresses they sometimes automatically fill the subject field in the email and sometimes even fill part of the email body out. I was wondering how they did this so had a dig into it.
So normally you use the command below to email Allen.white@techieshelp.com making sure you open and close the command with < and >.
<a href="mailto:allen.white@techieshelp.com">Allen.white@techieshelp.com</a>
As you will see if you click on the email address above it will open up your mail client and populate the email field. To add a subject use the command below.
<a href="mailto:allen.white@techieshelp.com?Subject=Enter your subject here">Allen.white@techieshelp.com</a>
Now you will see that if you click on Allen.white@techieshelp.com you will see that the subject field is populated.
Finally, if you would like to add content to the body of the email use the command below.
<a href="mailto:allen.white@techieshelp.com?Subject=Enter your subject here&body=whatever txt you want in the body">Allen.white@techieshelp.com</a>
So now when you click on Allen.white@techieshelp.com you will see the body and field is pre populated in the email
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