What is the Address Share for in Exchange 2013?
What is the address share for in Exchange 2013?. I’ve seen this question a few times now so this is the quick simple answer to it.
The address share has actually been around in all previous iterations of Exchange, in Exchange 2013 it is located here:
"install Drive"\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Mailbox\address share
The folder is used for proxy address generation that is used for various different email types. The reason it is shared and groups such as authenticated users have permissions to it is so that third party applications can access these addresses and also install and utilise DLLs or connectors to interact with Exchange 2013.
Boring but there you go!
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i am getting emails that when i unsubscribe it says from MW address share, i am deeply concerned that my email was gathered by an address share – is this from the exchange you are talking about? how do i block it and/or others from gathering info from my computer?