Auto Close Annoying Screens
IT Problem
You have windows application screens or pop up screens that you automatically want closing or you already know the answer to. To save time you would like an application that closes programs or applications for you.
IT Solution
I was at a clients recently and they had an issue where a pop up would keep annoying them every 5 mins and they were sick of clicking it. Enter ClickOff. This application title checks screens or pop ups, if you decide you want that window to be automatically closed the this little application will do it for you.
To download Click off visit the developers site , its a free app no trails etc. Simple but brilliant.
Other features
- Automatically clicks button on error messages that come up all the time.
- Fills in text
- Closes browser popups
- Minimizes or maximizes windows
- Delay times can be set to allow user intervention
- Single entries can be disabled temporarily
- False clicks are avoided by taking the message text into the proccess of detecting.
- To close windows that contain certain words, wildcards can be used
- The scanning speed can be set
- Can be disabled for a short period or permanently without having to be exited.
- Has very low system resource needs, takes about 1 sec. to load and doesn’t slow down the system while running.
- Simple usage through hotkey support
- Has language file support
Tags: Utils