Htaccess controls various parts of access to your website. If you do not have a web editor like dreavwearver then you can edit the htaccess file in cpanel. Here is a guide on how to do so.
By default internet exploerer (ie9) blocks all pop ups from websites. Sometimes a pop up may be required. Here is how to disable internet explorers built in pop up blocker.
By default internet explorer is very clean looking. This means no menu bar or favourites bar. Here is how to turn back on the menu bar and favourites bar in internet explorer 9 and 10.
RSS is a way of keeping up to date with the latest updatres and posts on your favourite websites. If you run IE9 you can subscrive to RSS feeds. Here is a guide on how to subscribe to RSS feeds in internet explorer 9.
Internet explorer supports many other application add ons for integration. Sometimes these add ons can casue problems with certain web pages. Here is how to disable add ons in internet explorer 9.
If you run a earlier version of internet explorer then you may be considering upgrading to ie9, follow this step by step guide for beginners on upgrading to internet explorer 9.
When you trying and uninstall java from your pc or laptop you get a failure error. use this free tool to uninstall java cleanly.
If you need to shut down you server and you need to notify your users of this you can send a message to there screen notifying them of a server reboot or shutdown. This article covers windows and unix /linux.
If you try to copy and paste something into your vshpere console session you will find you cannot paste anything to it. here is how to enable copying and pastng of itemd in vshpere 4.1 and onwards.
Algorithm updates are not new, Google has been tweaking their search algorithm for many years in an effort to bring the quality content to the fore and to counter-act any build up of spammy or useless content.
When trying to add a new post in wordpress you get the You don’t have permission to access /wp-admin/post.php on this server error, here is how to fix
If you want to change how your default contacts dispaly in outlook then you can list them by Surname, Here is guide on how to list your contacts by surename priority.
If your hard drive is running out of space and filling up then its time to clear down your drive. Here are some items you can removed to free up space on your hard drive. Clear your windows install.A simple guide for beginners on how to Free Hard Drive Space
If you looking at putting adsense on your website you want it to blend into the site well, centering the unit in a html DIV can help. here is how to center the adsense unit on your website.