By default internet exploerer (ie9) blocks all pop ups from websites. Sometimes a pop up may be required. Here is how to disable internet explorers built in pop up blocker.
By default internet explorer is very clean looking. This means no menu bar or favourites bar. Here is how to turn back on the menu bar and favourites bar in internet explorer 9 and 10.
RSS is a way of keeping up to date with the latest updatres and posts on your favourite websites. If you run IE9 you can subscrive to RSS feeds. Here is a guide on how to subscribe to RSS feeds in internet explorer 9.
Internet explorer supports many other application add ons for integration. Sometimes these add ons can casue problems with certain web pages. Here is how to disable add ons in internet explorer 9.
If you run a earlier version of internet explorer then you may be considering upgrading to ie9, follow this step by step guide for beginners on upgrading to internet explorer 9.
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