A prank from Google on Techieshelp with traffic coming from the ISS international space station, April fools!
When using the Onepress social locekr plugin, the fonts do not display correctly, this CSS rule will fix the issue
A guide on how to set the addthis wordpress plugin to float and how to change the background colour of the wordpress addthis foating plugin
Backslash do not show by default in wordpress posts, here is how to show them correctly. An easy to follow guide.
A simple guide on how to remove the comments function / option from pages within wordpress. Also how to disable comments from post. Solution here!
Stop google forcing you to use your countries search page and use google.com instead. Use the NCR command to get to coogle.com
How to use the mailto command to populate the subject and the body fields automatically. Mailto HTML commands
You find that on your wordpress based site you see a message saying “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance” . This can be fixed by removing a file in your root folder. This issue can come from a a wordpress upgrade or a wordpress plugin upgrade
A step by step guide on how to manage post revisions. This guide will show you limit, remove and even disable wordpress from keeping revisions of your wordpress posts
This is techieshelps effort at trying to recover from the panda updates which have recently effected organic search to thousands of websites
A step by step guide on how connect either a laptop or a pc to the internet using your iPhone or iPad. iPhone and iPad tethering setup.
If your wordpress automatic upgrade failes you may need to do it manaually, here is a guide. Mine failed with the error Call To Undefined Function Metadata_Exists
This is a step by step guide on how to force Force IE9 And IE10 into Compatibility Mode With A GPO, this is useful as a lot of websites still do not display or function correctly in ie9
since facebook updated how they manage friends walls you cannot see all your friends posts, here is how to change it backso you can see all your friends wall posts.