If you want to backup your emails in microsft outlook then it is realy easy, you may want to transfer your email to another pc. Here is a guide on how to backup and restore your emails to another pc.
A guide on how to schedule a pc or multiple pcs to shut down and turn off at a certain time. Simple step by step guide.
Fix for [exchange2010.XXX.com] Processing data from remote server failed with the following error message. The user XXXAdministrator isn’t assigned to any management roles error
A drive does not have to show as a drive in windows 7, you can actualy mount the drive so it looks like a folder within windows 7. Here is a guide on how to setup a hard drive a folder.
A guide on how to setup exchange 2010 or 2007 to forward email to an external recipient. How to forward email in exchange,
If you have files or folders that are hidden in windows 7, then you need to change a few settings to be able to view them. Here is how to view hidden files in windows 7.
The fine, view and edit menu has been around in all previous versions of microsoft windows, in windows 7 and vista it had dissapeared, here is how to enable the file,view and edit buttons by default.
When you log on to a 2008 server you see message such as appliying group policy or applying settings, here is how to remove all logon messages in server 2008/sbs 2008 and 2011.
On a terinal or remote dekstop server there are various applications that yuo will not want a remote desktop user to run, regedit is one of them Here is how to stop a standard user from running regedit in terminal services.
You can manage what users use what desktop pc with a group policy, here a a guide on how to setup this GPO to manage users login rights to desktops.
If you are migrating your DHCP service to another server then you will need to backup the DHCP database and then restore it on the new server. Here is how to do so.
A step by step guide on how to enable the anti spam agent in exchange 2010 and 2007. How to stop spam emails in exchange 2007 and 2010.
If you have just installed or upgraded to exchange 2010 you may find the you are not receivinging mail, this is a receive connector issue, read this article to resolve.
Changing the domain administrator is a straight forward job – aslong as you follow the pre-requisites. Here is a step by step guide to changing the administrator password on your network.