You may find that your server or dekstop is running very slowly. When you inspect task manager you see that “services.exe” is using alot or is information on how to find what is using these resources.
If you want a server or another pc to send emails through your exchange server then you need to configure the relay options. Here is how to allow relaying through exchange 2007 and exchange 2010
When you discconect a mailbox from a user object in active directory the disconected mailbox screen does not automatically update in microsft exchange gui. Here is a powershell command to update disconnected mailboxes.
Powershell is a quicker way to get a job done that using a gui, however there are ALOT of commands here is a comprehensive list of powershell commands and what they do
.If you need to find out how long ago it has been since a user has logged onto your network then you can do this with a command in powershell. Follow this guide.Find out how long it has been since a user logged in.
A nifty util that will automatically close windows ,screens or popups that keep asking the same question. This will auto answer pop up boxes.
If you need to step replication from one domain controller then there are a few commands to do this. Follow ths guide on how to stop or pause domain replication.
If you want to set the keyboard layout with a group policy object then follow this simple guide.Set keyboard Layout Via GPO. How to set keyboard layout automatically with a GPO
When your clients logon to your domain you can give them a nice greeting or a company policy notice. Read this guide on how to do so.
If you do not have an email client to hand you can send an email via the command line telnet command. Follow this guide on how to send an email from telnet command line.
Renaming your server 2008 is quite a big task,, follow this step by step guide on renaming your server 2008 domain.
When you try to use the powerhsell imoprt mailbox command its says the command is invalid. The same with export mailbox. Here is how to enable the import and export mailbox commands.
A guide on how to delete an email in multiple mailboxes in exchange 2007,Exchange 2013 and exchange 2010 sp1. How to delete an email from multiple mailboxes with a powershell command.
A step by step guide on how to disable my network places icon and options with group policy. How to hide my network places from users.