Client Printers Not Mapping In Xen App / Presentation Server
This is an age old problem in citrix presentation server and Xen App, when useres are off site or at home, the local printer that is connected to the pc, laptop or workstation will not show up in the citrix session but continues to work fine on the local machine.
You will see this error in event viewer
Event ID: 1116, AddPrinter() Error 0x3EB appears in the Application Event Log.
This error code is returned when the driver cannot be loaded by the spooler’s local print provider. This can be caused when the caller (in this case the Citrix Print Manager Service) does not provide sufficient privileges to perform this action.
To resolve, add the Ctx_SmaUser (or Ctx_cpsvcuser) to the local administrators group on the server in question, or change the Citrix Print Manager Service to start with the Local System Account.
Right click my computer and select “Manage”.
Select Groups and administrators
Right click and select add to group and enter the Ctx_cpsvcuser

Client Printers Not Mapping In Xen App
Tags: Citrix, Printers, Xen App