CreateSnapshot failed, vmRef “1”, timeout “1800000”, snName “VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT”, snDescription
IT Problem
On a VSphere 5 install I worked on I had to install Veeam backup version 5. The job I had to create included backing up a DC/File print server. So created the job as usual and then the next day I checked to make sure that the backup job was well. The job had failed, when I checked the HTML logs I saw the following error.
CreateSnapshot failed, vmRef “1”, timeout “1800000”, snName “VEEAM BACKUP TEMPORARY SNAPSHOT”, snDescription
After doing research I struggled to find a definite solution, there where various things to try but none of them worked for me including the well publicised moving your config files (VMX) to a datastore larger than 1mb.
IT Solution
After contacting the very helpful Veeam technical support team they made me aware of patch that fixes various issues with Veeams compatibility with VFMS 5. The patch was not on the website so they directed me to an FTP link. You can get the download link at the bottom of this article.
First please make sure that you are running version You can verify this by going to Help -> About. From here, make sure that you have no jobs running currently before running the executable. You will not see a version change in Help -> About, but the fix will be applied when you run the executable.
Here is an FTP link with the hot fix:
Tags: veeam
Charles babbage
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Hi, just wanted to thank you for this advice, it really works i just wish id thought of it. Cheers, chuck b.