Find Out What User Is Logged Into A PC
IT Problem
A nice simple one to start the day with!, Lets say your on a server and you want to know who is logged in to “PC1” or whatever your pc or workstation is. So in English, find out who is logged into a pc / workstation.
IT Solution
This is done with a simple command line query. So first drop to command line by going to run and entering CMD.
Then enter the command and below.
query user /server:yourpcname
Where yourpcname is the name of the pc or workstation you would like to find out what user is logged in.
This will return what user is logged in. If you would like to see how long they have been logged in then go to event view on the server, then right click the server name and select connect another machine. Enter the PC name and then event viewer (security log) to see the historical data about logons
Tags: command line, users