How to open a port in Trend IWSS
You would like to open a port in Trend IWSS to allo traffic through IWSS filtering.
By default most ports are blocked by default. It is simply a case of opening and allowing this port .
To do so follow these instructions
Log into the console
Select HTTP, then go down to access control settings
On the right hand side under “port” enter the prt you would like open. Make sure action is set to “allow”. Then click Add.
Then click save.
Then after about 10 mins the policy will apply.
Tags: IWSS
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Hi mate,
Do you happen to know how to do this in Trend Micro 2011?
Thanks in advance
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Hi John, is that the home version?? Im not familiar with the product as we normally push enterprise level AV out in the office. However if anyone else reads this they may be able to help….
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Thanks for quick reply admin 🙂
Yes, I do believe it is the home version. Ok, thanks for trying anyway 🙂 Doesn’t matter for me personally anymore traced our problem to a different problem – now all is left to find a solution to that haha