List Contacts by Surname in Outlook
If you want to list your contacts in outlook as last name first in your version of outlook then follow the simple instructions below.
In Microsoft Outlook 2003, first go to the Tools menu and then select Email Accounts. Go to , then select View or Change Existing Directories or Address Books and then select Next. Select the address book which contains all your contacts and then select Change. Under Show Names By, then select File As. Click close and the finish to complete.
In Microsoft Outlook 2007, first go to the Tools menu andthen click on select Account Settings. One in account settings then select the Address Books tab option and select the Outlook Address Book in the list. Select Change. Select the address book you want to change if there are more than one then select File As under Show Names By. Click close then close again to complete.
Finally in Microsoft Outlook 2010, go to the File tab. then select Account Settings and then choose Account Settings once more. Then go to the Address Books tab and select the Outlook Address Book in the list of choices.Once there choose the list of contacts you want to change, if you have more than one. Select File As under Show Names By. Click Close on both screens to complete this setup
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