Offline Address Book Cannot Apply Mandatory Properties
Whilst working on an Exchange 2010 server I came across a problem I had not seen before. I was in the Exchange 2010 EMC and needed to enable the OAB to be able to be distributed via web folders. The option to do so was disabled as seen below.
This issue is normally resolved by running the following from powershell.
Set-OfflineAddressBook "Default Offline Address List" -ApplyMandatoryProperties
However when I ran the above command I was greeted with the following error.
This is an issue where the incorrect version of the management console is set for the OAB. To resolve this issue run adsi edit and browse to the following location.
CN=Configuration,DC=domainname,DC=local\CN=Services\CN=Microsoft Exchange\CN=Container\CN=Address Lists Container\CN=Offline Address Lists
Right click the offline address list in the centre console and then select properties. Locate the ‘msExchMinAdminVersion’ attribution and enter the value -536840812.
Apply the settings and then exit adsi edit, then run the following command again.
Set-OfflineAddressBook "Default Offline Address List" -ApplyMandatoryProperties
The command will run succesfully and you will then be able to set web distribtion on the offline address book.