Server Administrator Task Schedule Example

server administrator maintenance schedule example

I was asked the question recently what maintenance tasks a Server administrator should carry out to keep their IT infrastructure running smoothly. As well as examples in the article, check out the Server Administrator Tasks Excel download at the end of the article.

After looking at the infrastructure I broke it down into various sections, Servers, Switches and Firewalls, Active Directory and I also decided to break it further down into the line of business applications such as Exchange and Citrix.

A server administrators maintenance schedule is then broken down into daily task, weekly tasks and monthly tasks. A daily task can consists of simple things such as checking backups, AV updates and fault LEDS etc.

 Servers Check Server Room Physically – Temps
Check AV Updates
Check AV Scan Success
Check Daily Backups
Check Hardware Fault LEDS
Check Event Logs – Application/Server

A weekly task in exchange may consist of checking DB size, liasing with users o see what issues they have, check event logs etc.

Exchange Check DB Size and Compare to MAX DB Limits
Manage Whitelist/Blacklists – Spam
Check DB Volume free space and compare

While a monthly task may be more involved such as implementing the latest application patches, removing stale DNS records and removing old Active Directory users.

Active Directory Purge/Disable old users
Purge old groups
Check NetDiag report
Check DCDiag Report
Scavenge DNS

Additionally you may add a further timescale to your schedule such as yearly firmware updates.

Download the free Server Administrator Daily, Weekly and Monthly maintenance schedule example below
Server Administrator Maintenance Tasks Download