Setup Citrix / Xen App Alternate Connection
Citrix can be used internally and externally at the same time, to do this we need to have a direct connection setup for internal users and we also neeed to set an alternat connection for users who would like to use citrix externally. This is ideal if you want to allow users to connect to citrix presentation server / Xen app from there homes, off site or anywhere else without the use of VPN, so basically anywhere with a web connection
To do this we need to setup citrix to accept alternate connections. Follow this step by step guide on setting up a citrix alternate connection
To do this follow these instructions
1) First of all there is a prerequisite, we need the external IP address that we are going to hit when we are going to connect to our citrix site externally. If you dont already know this go to www.whatismyip.com and make a note of you ip address.
2.) Now , on your firewall you need to open the relevant ICA ports, these are 1494 and also 2598. On your firewall open these ports and redirect them the INTERNAL address of your citrix Server.
3.) We are now ready to configure to Citrix console. First launch the Citrix Access Management Console
We then need to browse down to Web interface and select our internal website.
4.) Select Manage secure client access and then “Edit secure client access settings”
5.) You will get a popup which allows you to config connections. By dedault you have “Default” set to “Direct”. We need to change this. Change direct to point to your local firewall addess and set “Default” to be “Alternate”. Once done select finish.
6.) you will now see both connections are setup.
7.) finally we need to run the AltAddr command, the command most people forget!. Go to start run and enter CMD and hit enter. At the command prompt enter the following.
Altaddr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /set
Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx is your IP address
You can now use Citrix internally and also externally providing firewall rules are set accordingley.