Stop Losing Pagerank With Nofollow
What is Nofollow
rel=”nofollow” or nofollow is a command that you can add to a web link. When google or other search engine read a page, they look at links that link to that page. If google classes a page as important it allocates it page rank. The higher the rank the higher the page is seen as quality. By adding nofollow to a link you can stop pagerank from leaving your page , therefore keeping all of the pagerank “juice” on your page.
If you look at the bottom of this page you will see 3 icons, facebook,Twitter and RSS. These links all have the rel=”nofollow” tag added to them as i dont want pagerank leaving on every page I do and also its not as if facebook or twitter need extra pagerank.
How To Apply No Follow
So lets say that you have an image that links to a page of site and you want to apply the rel=”nofollow” tag. Do the below, this image is done with this code.
So I am not losing pagerank to facebook.
If you have a link to another site on your page do the below. lets use Great IT Support
This is done with the below code.
Tags: html
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Then, why facebook pages (like http://www.alargesocialmediasite.com/zxvxz.ro) have high pagerank althought any inbound links are with nofollow? How do you explain that?
Allen White
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Because facebook links to it internally, simple. Also nice try at the backlink from here, must try harder!