Turn Off Conversation Mode OWA 2010
IT Problem
In Outlook Web Access 2010, when you are having multiple email conversations with people it puts each email into a conversation thread, so you see a series of emails from the same person on the same topic in a long thread rather than individual emails. This is a good feature, however this not to the taste of everyone. Here is how to turn off the conversation mode in OWA 2010 and make owa 2010 look like owa 2007
IT Solution
First log in to OWA. You will see you emails as normal with the view as below set to View Conversations by Date.
If you click on Conversations by date you see the option below.
Simple take the tick out of Conversation and this will Disable OWA 2010 Conversation Mode
At the moment this cannot be done globally. When it can be done I will post it here.
Tags: OWA