VMware A General System Error Occured.Authorize Exception – Logging Into VIClient

When you log into VMware virtual center you are greeted with the following error. Ive seen this error occur after upgrading virtual center to a later version.

A General System Error Occurred.Authorize Exception.


Now if you are worried that vcenter is down , dont IT IS NOT. Remember vmware does not care at all about active directory, so first things first, log in with “localhost” and the local administrator user name and password. You will now see that its up and running and HS and DRS are fine.OK that confirmed we can continue.

Log into the Vsphere web client whick will be here, we will configure single sign on.


Then select sign on and Discovery, then configure. Click the plus sign and set the credentials as required , mine is below with personal details blacked out.

Once done click test to confirm.

What we need to do is add the domain accounts back into permissions.  Log in locally to vcenter again and add the domain account as an admin. Do this by selecting the data center and then permissions and then right click and select add as seen below.

Now when you add the domain credentials you may see the error below.If not add as normal.

“Call “UserDirectory.RetrieveUserGroups” for object “UserDirectory” on vCenter Server “<servername>” failed”

If you do get that error it is becasue during the upgrade the VMware VirtualCenter Server service and the Vmware VirtualCenter Management Webservices have been set to local system, login.

Change these to your domain user credentials. Now log back into vcenter and again go to permissions and add the domain user to the permissions section.