Webmin Setting Up An FTP Server Guide
In this guide we will go through the simple process of setting up an FTP server in Webmin. This may be used to so you can upload and download files to your website. We will then download a client and connect to our new FTP server. This is all done in GUI so there is no need to connect to your server via command line SSH. If you do insist on doing this via SSH command line then at the bottom of the page are the command lines to install proftpd in centos, ubuntu and debian.
Installing Proftpd Module Into Webmin
First log into your Webmin console via http:yourdomain.com:1000 or whatever port you installed webmin into. Then once logged in using the menu system browse to Webmin configuration the select Webmin modules.
ProFTPD is a standard module in Webmin so we need to select standard module in Webmin then browse to select the module
You will then be presented with all the standard modules. Browse to ProFTPD and install it.
With this installed we are now ready to download a secure ftp client. I recommend WINSCP as it is very light, you can just run it from an exe. get it here. http://winscp.net/eng/download.php.
Once downloaded run the exe and enter your details for your FTP server, root will be sufficient. You will notice in runs on port 22 (SSH) so if you have changed your SSH port then change this accordingly.
Winscp will now connect you may get warned to accept the private key, do so. You can now drag and drop files and folders and create files.
Installing Proftpd Via Command Line
sudo apt-get install proftpd
sudo yum install proftpd
apt-get install proftpd
If you need to configure the proftpd settings via command line the conf file is located hete. /etc/proftpd.conf